Is it all make believe? Tristan Prettyman doesn't seem to think so; she says it's all destined, all preordained. But what if it is all make believe? Not that that would be a bad thing. On the contrary, it would hold that we have the freedom to come up with our own stories, our own paths, our own fairy tales. You can step in any direction, but you can't step in all directions. That's why everyone is so different; we are nothing but a result of our choices and other's people's choices.
I say that other people affect us also because sometimes the actions of others collide with our own. Like wheels we roll around an empty land, we twist and turn, sometimes we topple over, and sometimes we bump into other wheels, our paths overlapping. As a result, we do not always get the outcomes that we desire. Take a water polo match (or any other team sport); one person cannot win a game, but seven people together can. If all team members are "rolling" (if we continue with the wheel analogy) along the same path- that is, they are well-conditioned and mentally focused- then the chances of winning go up. Keep in mind that winning is not guaranteed, because sometimes the opposing team is just a little bit more conditioned or mentally focused. Even though I have a lot more to say about this, I think that's enough for now.
On another note, I hope you had a wonderful day. If not, please keep reading :)
Love. Someone loves you. Many people love you. You may not see it, you may not even realize it, but it's true. I love you for being you, as do your parents, any siblings, your neighbors, friends and all of those cousins of yours. But do you love yourself? That's the real question here. As far as body image goes... No one is perfect, sorry if that is news to you. But if you can love your imperfect (healthy) self, then you are one step closer to contentment. But please, for your own sake as a human being, be healthy. Being stick-skinny or marshmallow-fat is not only not beautiful, but also incredibly detrimental to your overall health, which is important for a happy lifestyle.
So remember, somebody loves you, you are never alone. Smile, be happy, for today, you are you and nobody can take that away from you.